Indian Air Force Recruitment 2023 | Agniveer Vayu Vacancy

An official employment notification has been released by Government of India. It's an Assam job recruitment ad for Agniveer Vayu Vacancy (Will be Updated). These Assam Govt Job recruitments will be under Agnipath Scheme or Agneepath Scheme. Candidates who are interested in building your Assam career and eligible for these bank jobs in Assam may apply by following the steps given in this article.


Posts Name Agniveer Vayu
Scheme Name Agnipath Scheme
Total Posts Will be Updated
Duration 4 Years
Department Indian Air Force
Recruiter Ministry of Defence, India
Job Location All over India
Launch Date 14th June 2022

Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit: Candidates born between 27th June 2003 and 27th December 2006 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply for Agniveer Vayu posts. In case, a candidate clears all the stages of the Selection Procedure, then the upper age limit as on date of enrollment is 21 years.

Educational Qualification:

Science Subjects: Candidates should have passed Intermediate/ 10+2/ Equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics and English from an Education Board listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.


Passed Three years Diploma Course in Engineering (Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Automobile/ Computer Science/ Instrumentation Technology/ Information Technology) from a Government recognized Polytechnic institute with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in diploma course (or in Intermediate/Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Diploma Course).


Passed Two years Vocational Course with non-vocational subject viz. Physics and Maths from State Education Boards/Councils which are listed in COBSE with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in vocational course (or in Intermediate/ Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Vocational Course).

Other Than Science Subjects: Candidates should have passed Intermediate/ 10+2/ Equivalent examination in any subject approved by Central/ State Education Boards listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.


Passed two years vocational course from Education Boards listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in vocational course or in Intermediate/Matriculation if English is not a subject in Vocational Course.

Mandatory Medical Standards:

General Medical Standards for Agniveer Vayu are as follows:

  • Height: Minimum acceptable height is 152.5 cms
  • Chest: Minimum range of expansion: 5 cm
  • Weight: Proportionate to height and age.
  • Corneal Surgery (PRK/ LASIK) is not acceptable. Visual requirements as applicable as per Indian Air Force standards.
  • Hearing: Candidate should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters with each ear separately.
  • Dental: Should have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points.
  • General Health: Candidate should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from any active or latent, acute or chronic, medical or surgical disability or infection and skin ailments. Candidate shall be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain.

Examination Fee: Examination fee of Rs.250/- is to be paid by the candidate while registering for the online examination. The payment can be made by using Debit Cards/ Credit Cards/ Internet Banking through payment gateway. The examination fee can also be paid by Challan payment at any Axis Bank Branch.

Pay Scale & Terminal Benefit

Individuals enrolled under Agnipath Scheme will be paid an Agniveer package of Rs.30,000/- per month with a fixed yearly increment. In addition, Risk and Hardship, Dress and Travel allowances will be paid.

On completion of the engagement period of four years, Agniveers will be eligible to receive ‘Seva Nidhi’ package, which shall comprise their contribution (into the Agniveer Corpus Fund) and matching contribution from the Government and interest on the accumulated amount.
1st Year Rs.30,000/- Rs.21,000/-
2nd Year Rs.33,000/- Rs.23,100/-
3rd Year Rs.36,000/- Rs.25,580/-
4th Year Rs.40,000/- Rs.28,000/- 

  • You will get Rs.10.04 lakhs plus accrued interest when exiting after 4 year.
  • YAGNIVEERS will be provided non-contributory life insurance cover of Rs 48 lakhs for the duration of their engagement period 
  • Agniveer Skill Certificate: At the end of engagement period, a detailed Skill-Set certificate will be provided to the AGNIVEER highlighting the skills and level of competency acquired by the personnel during their engagement period. 

How to Apply?

1. Go to the Official Recruitment Portal of Agnipath Indian Air Force Job Recruitment (Links Given Below)

2. Register and Login.

3. Fill all the details, both Educational and Personal.

4. Upload necessary details.

5. Pay your fee, as per category.

6. Submit your form and print it out.

Important Dates

  • Starting Date: 27th July 2023
  • Last Date: 17th August 2023

Important Dates


Selection Process for Agnipath Indian Air Force Vacancy

Phase - I

Online Test: Eligible candidates will be sent provisional admit cards for Phase - I of testing on their registered e-mail IDs 48-72 hrs prior to the examination, which they will download & take a colour printout and will carry the same to the examination centre on the day of online test as indicated on their respective admit cards to appear in the selection test.

However name of city & exam date will be intimated to candidates well in advance to enable the candidates to plan their movement. This provisional admit card can also be downloaded by the candidate under candidates login on CASB web portal All candidates in possession of provisional admit card will undertake Online Test at centres designated/allotted as per their admit card.

Online test will be objective type and questions will be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for English paper. Online test for candidates opting for both Science subjects and other than Science subjects shall be conducted in one sitting, on the same system.

Candidates are to bring one blue/black pen and original AADHAR card along with them for Phase - I testing. Details of the test are as follows:

a) Science Subjects: Total duration of the online test shall be 60 minutes and shall comprise of English, Physics and Mathematics as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus.

b) Other Than Science Subjects: Total duration of the online test shall be 45 minutes and shall comprise of English as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).

c) Science Subjects & Other Than Science Subjects: Total duration of the online test shall be 85 minutes and shall comprise of English, Physics and Mathematics as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).

d) Marking pattern for online test:

  • One mark for every correct answer.
  • Nil (0) marks for un attempted question.
  • 0.25 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer. 


1) Above examination methodology has been designed to facilitate selection process based on qualifications of candidates. Irrespective of the examination methodology AGNIVEERVAY.

2) CANDIDATES ARE TO QUALIFY IN EACH PAPER SEPARATELY IN SCIENCE AND OTHER THAN SCIENCE SUBJECTS. The result of Phase-I and the list of shortlisted candidates for Phase-II, based on their performance in Phase-I Online test, will be uploaded on within one month from the date of online exam. 

Phase - II

Soon after the declaration of the result of Phase-I (Online) Test, a cut off will be applied based on the marks scored by the candidates in the Phase I Test and SHORTLISTED candidates will be sent a New admit card on their registered e-mail IDs for phase - II test at a designated ASC.

This admit card for Phase-II exam can also be downloaded online under candidate’s login on CASB web portal Candidates have to report on the stipulated date and time for Phase-II at the designated ASC along with following documents:

a) Colour print out of admit card for Phase-II.

b) Colour print out of duly filled application form downloaded on completion of online registration.

c) HB pencil, eraser, sharpener, glue stick, stapler and black/blue ball point pen for writing.

d) Eight copies of un-attested passport size colour photograph (which was used for the online application registration).

e) Original and four self-attested photocopies of matriculation passing certificate (required for verification of candidate’s name, father’s name and his date of birth).

f) Original and four self-attested photocopies of matriculation marks sheet (only applicable for three years diploma course holders when English is not a subject in diploma course).

g) Original and four self-attested photocopies of Intermediate/10+2/equivalent examination passing certificate and marks sheet.


Original and four self-attested photocopies of three years diploma course passing certificate and marks sheets of all semesters.


Original and four self-attested photocopies of two years vocational course passing certificate and all marks sheets including non-vocational course with subjects English, Physics and Mathematics.

h) Certificate for SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel), including certificate for sons of serving/retired/ deceased Air Force civilian employees paid out of defence estimates is to be downloaded as the case may be, from the download section of CASB web portal and brought along while reporting for Phase - II of the examination.

i) Original Phase-I admit card used during Phase-I test bearing Air Force seal and invigilator’s signature.

j) Original and four self-attested photocopies of NCC ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ certificate (if applicable). Note: Candidate discharged from the IAF for any reason are not eligible to appear in the selection test.

Additional Skills / Qualifications / Achievements: Candidates with any additional skills / qualifications / achievements in fields, including but not limited to, Information Technology, Motor Vehicle driving / maintenance, Hospitality, Logistics, Accounting and Sports are required to intimate the same to recruiting officer and furnish certificates in support of the same.

Verification of Eligibility: Candidates should be in possession of the documents mentioned at para 21 above, when appearing for the selection test which would be scrutinised/verified prior to commencement of Phase-II to ascertain the eligibility prima-facie.

Physical Fitness Test (PFT): Names of the shortlisted candidates, who qualify the online test, shall be displayed on the CASB Web Portal and on a stipulated date shall be called at designated ASC for Physical Fitness Test (PFT) which would consist of:

  • 1.6 Km run to be completed within 06 minutes 30 seconds.
  • Candidates shall also have to complete 10 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups and 20 Squats within the stipulated time to qualify in the Physical Fitness Test.


1) Candidates are advised to bring their sports shoes and shorts/track pants.

2) Candidates shall sign a consent form prior to appearing in physical fitness test/medical test for selection in IAF. He shall appear in these tests at his own risk and shall not be paid any compensation by IAF for injury/casualty if any, sustained by him during such tests. The consent form shall be signed by parents/guardian of candidates below 18 years of age. The consent form is appended with Phase II admit card.

Adaptability Test- I: All candidates who pass the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) shall have to undertake Adaptability Test-I (objective type written test) which is to assess suitability of a candidate for employment in the IAF which involves deployment in varied geographic terrain, weather and operational conditions.

Adaptability Test- II: All candidates who pass Adaptability Test-I shall have to undertake Adaptability Test-II as per policy in vogue. Adaptability Test-II is to select candidates who can adapt to the environment of Indian Air Force and are able to adjust to the military way of life.

Phase - III

Medical Examination: Candidates who qualify Adaptability Test-II shall be issued with medical appointment letter at respective ASCs for their medical examination at designated Medical Boarding Centre (MBC) on specified date. Medical examination shall be conducted by Air Force Medical Team as per IAF medical standards and policy in vogue on subject issue. Medical examination would also include Baseline Investigation of:

a) Blood Haemogram - Hb, TLC, DLC

b) Urine RE/ME.

c) Biochemistry:

  • Blood Sugar Fasting & PP.
  • Serum Cholesterol.
  • Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine.
  • LFT- Serum Bilurubin, SGOT, SGPT.

d) X- Ray chest (PA view).

e) ECG (R).

f) Tests for Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Abuse.

g) Any other test necessary in the opinion of the Medical Officer.


1) Candidates declared medically unfit can avail the option for ‘Appeal Medical Board’ (AMB) against their unfitness by depositing Rs.40/- in a Government Treasury/RBI/SBI through Military Receivable Order (MRO). The application for AMB along with original copy of MRO and photocopy of Unfitness Certificate are to be submitted to the representative of ASC within three working days of medical examination. 

2) The recruitment medical officer and the specialist doctors of Armed Forces are the final authorities on declaring a candidate fit or unfit during initial medical examination, appeal medical board and medical examination prior to enrolment. The candidates shall be governed by Armed Forces standards which may be at variance from civil standards. There is no provision for representation or review after the appeal medical board.

Important Notes

a) Candidates must indicate five choices of examination centre and seven choices of ASCs in order of preference while filling up the online application form. However, CASB reserves the right to allot any centre other than those mentioned in the application.


c) Candidates are required to provide an active e-mail ID which will be used by CASB for all communications till culmination of the entire selection process and enrolment for the particular intake. It is also advised to preserve e-mail ID and password for all future communications.

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